- 4
- 2
- 1367sqft
1536 Moseley Ln Birmingham, AL 35215
Est. cost $1,394.99
Estimated Total Cost
This is an approximate monthly cost; See "Before You Apply" to learn more about additional fees that are not included in this estimate but may impact your final monthly rent price.
Estimated Total Cost
This is an approximate monthly cost; See "Before You Apply" to learn more about additional fees that are not included in this estimate but may impact your final monthly rent price.
1536 Moseley Ln
Birmingham, AL 35215
View Costs and Fees*
- Monthly Rent $1,375.00
- Smart Home $19.99
- Est. total monthly* $1,394.99
Key Features and Services
- Smart Home
View Costs and Fees*
- Monthly Rent $1,375.00
- Smart Home $19.99
- Est. total monthly* $1,394.99
Key Features and Services
- Smart Home
- 2-Car Garage
- Fenced Yard
- Porch
- Deck
- Large Backyard
- Patio
- Garage
Living Areas
- Ceiling Fan
- Vinyl Plank Flooring
- Pantry
- Eat-in Kitchen
- Quartz Countertops
- Stainless Steel Appliances
- Ceiling Fan
- Walk-In Shower
- Tile Flooring
- Granite Countertops
- Walk-In Closet
- Vinyl Plank Flooring
- Dual-Vanity Sinks
- Central Air/Heat
- Ceiling Fan
- Smart Home
- Granite Countertops
- Vinyl Plank Flooring
- 2-Car Garage
- Fenced Yard
- Porch
- Deck
- Large Backyard
- Patio
- Garage
Living Areas
- Ceiling Fan
- Vinyl Plank Flooring
- Pantry
- Eat-in Kitchen
- Quartz Countertops
- Stainless Steel Appliances
- Ceiling Fan
- Walk-In Shower
- Tile Flooring
- Granite Countertops
- Walk-In Closet
- Vinyl Plank Flooring
- Dual-Vanity Sinks
- Central Air/Heat
- Ceiling Fan
- Smart Home
- Granite Countertops
- Vinyl Plank Flooring
- Similar Available Homes
Amenities + -
Rental Resources + -
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