Submit a New Service Request

If this request is an emergency please immediately contact our local office by phone.

Please select your address from the dropdown recommendations and make sure the phone number and address matches the information linked to your account.

If you’re experiencing an issue with this form, please let us know by chatting with us during business hours or contacting us by email. If you’re experiencing a maintenance emergency, please call us immediately at 833.PRG.RESS (833.774.7377)


Pease note: If after assessed it is determined the issue was caused by abuse, misuse, or neglect on the household's part or that the issue is otherwise the resident’s responsibility under the terms of the lease, trip charges including a $75 trip fee and the cost of labor and replacement parts (minimum $30) will apply.


For more information on emergency maintenance issues and what maintenance items you’re responsible for, please click here.


Please note that during extreme temperatures, some scheduling may be delayed as we focus on supporting our residents with AC/HEATING issues.