- 3
- 2
- 1491sqft
518 Zen Cir Corpus Christi, TX 78418
Est. cost $8.99
- Monthly Rent $.00
- Utility Service $8.99
- Est. total monthly* $8.99
*The monthly cost is an estimate and does not include your utility expenses or fees for optional services. A monthly utility service fee of $8.99 also applies, except in NC ( $0.75 trash fee) and IN ($4.99 plus a $4.00 water fee). For a complete list of all additional fees that may apply from time to time, please see Before You Apply for details.
Key Features and Services
Utility Service
Utility Service
We use a utility management company to bundle water, sewer, trash and gas charges into one convenient monthly bill. There is a $30 one-time setup fee and a recurring monthly utility service provider charge of $8.99, except in NC ($0.75 trash admin fee) and IN ($4.99 + $4.00 water admin fee). Where applicable, there’s a $39.60 per month septic maintenance fee. In addition, failure to establish any required utility accounts in the Resident’s name will result in a Utility Default Fee of $50.00 each month the utility account isn’t in the Resident’s name.
- Monthly Rent $.00
- Utility Service $8.99
- Est. total monthly* $8.99
*The monthly cost is an estimate and does not include your utility expenses or fees for optional services. A monthly utility service fee of $8.99 also applies, except in NC ( $0.75 trash fee) and IN ($4.99 plus a $4.00 water fee). For a complete list of all additional fees that may apply from time to time, please see Before You Apply for details.
Key Features and Services
Utility Service
Utility Service
We use a utility management company to bundle water, sewer, trash and gas charges into one convenient monthly bill. There is a $30 one-time setup fee and a recurring monthly utility service provider charge of $8.99, except in NC ($0.75 trash admin fee) and IN ($4.99 + $4.00 water admin fee). Where applicable, there’s a $39.60 per month septic maintenance fee. In addition, failure to establish any required utility accounts in the Resident’s name will result in a Utility Default Fee of $50.00 each month the utility account isn’t in the Resident’s name.
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